Technical Skills you need to have as a frontend Developer

Technical Skills you need to have as a frontend Developer

This is meant as a guide to new or aspiring web developers on what you should know

Note: this is entirely my opinion based on my experience and research I've done.

These are the skills a frontend Developer should have on his/her portfolio

  1. Http, DNS and how the internet works - you need to know how the internet works, how information is passed through the internet and what happens when you enter a web address on your browser

  2. HTML and the DOM - HTML as a markup language for developing websites and presenting text on a browser, DOM (document object model) is also a skill to have, it is a tree-like structure representing all the elements in a HTML document

  3. CSS (Cascading stylesheet) - the tool used to style elements on a web page, it defines the layout and structure of a web page

  4. JavaScript - a programming language for web browsers, it adds functionality to websites and a must have tool for web developers in general

  5. Version control system - Version control systems are a category of software tools that helps record changes to files by keeping a track of modifications done to the code. Think of it as a tool that keeps track of when ever you update or change your code. Examples of a version control system is Git

  6. REST/APIs - Representational state transfer is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, called RESTful Web services, provide interoperability between computer systems on the internet.

Other skills to have:

  1. CSS frameworks/libraries
  2. JavaScript frameworks/libraries
  3. Github
  4. Responsive design
  5. Hosting